Not Having a Garden Makes Me SAD
(Written in Winter 2005) Never has a human malady had a better name than Seasonally Affected Disorder, or SAD. It is a condition that people get in the winter, because apparently there isn’t enough sunlight to keep them cheerful. Some people even get treatment in “sun boxes,” which are large banks of grow lights, or something, that help perk up SAD sufferers' spirits. One of the drawbacks of living in the north is that we really do get short changed by sunlight. There have even been studies that show certain medical conditions have a higher incidence in the north, due to not enough vitamin D, which somehow comes from exposure to the sun. I would never make fun of anyone who has SAD. I know some people who seem to have it all year around, though. Maybe spring makes them sad due to the mud. Maybe summer is too hot. Maybe fall makes them sad because winter is just around the corner… Part of the problem is that a lot of peo...