Ladies and Gentlemen...The Beetles!
If you don't have Japanese beetles at your place, I'd like to strongly suggest that you look skyward and give thanks. I've taken a pretty aggressive stance towards them this year, after clearly losing the battle last year. I don't know if I'm winning or losing this year, but they have many more casualties than last year, so at least I've got a sense of doing some good. What am I talking about? Japanese beetles made their way to the east coast of North America in 1916, and to my house in Wisconsin five years ago, I think. They are visually kind-of striking, with their metallic gold shell/wings. That's it, in terms of the "pro" side of the ledger. The "con" side includes their ability to swarm on and defoliate certain trees and vegetable plants. I've read that they eat 300 some different plants, but in our yard they focus on raspberries, apple and cherry trees, grapes, courants, and have expressed some interest in green beans, a ...