The Blizzard Before Christmas

The Christmas blizzard of 2022 is revving up in Southern Wisconsin. The snow blows across the white landscape, drifting here and there over the rows and beds of the now resting garden. I’m listening to Christmas songs – mostly new takes on old songs. Take Six, Pentatonix, The Bird and the Bee, Home Free, Over the Rhine… groups that didn’t exist when I started gardening. I used to make mix cds for my extended family. I liked doing that. Now nobody has CD players anymore, and parts of the family aren’t really connected anymore. There is a sadness to the Christmas season that comes into focus as the years pass. In fact, many of the songs have a sad side to them. “Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow.” Not until my dad died did I understand the truth to those lyrics. Now our children have their own growing children. The traditions of Christmas are passed along to them and we feel blessed that we are a part of that passing along. I only hope they will tell...