Dear Garden Diary

Dear Diary, I can’t believe it has been three months since my last garden blog post. I really can’t believe it. After spending May watering every other day to keep the new plants alive in the dry, windy, 90+ degree heat, the annual Japanese beetle invasion, and the weeds, it’s time now to take a breath. Not that much of a breath, of course. Any vegetable gardener knows that the harvest mostly starts in August around here in Southern Wisconsin, and it’s far from done now. One thing we learned about not cleaning things up right away after harvesting is that some plants – cabbage being one – will give you post-harvest gifts. Little cabbages (the inspiration for the French term of endearment, “Mon petit chou”) arise from the place where the original cabbage was cut. They are tender and mild. Surprisingly, we got to harvest all of our sweet corn, despite nightly visits by various deer. At least one of the deer developed a taste for moss roses and pulled most of them out of the ground....