Creeping Charlie Chapter 13
You know how horror movies like “Friday the 13 th ” seem to keep piling up sequels that have the same basic plot? Well, my yard is a horror story, and the bad guy in my movie is a dastardly fellow known as Creeping Charlie. This may not be the 13 th time I’ve written about Charlie, but I’m sure there will be 13 before it, or I, am gone. Charlie sounds friendly enough. Everybody I’ve ever known named Charlie was friendly. And creeping doesn’t sound so bad. Babies creep before they crawl, right? This Creeping Charlie is a lawn weed. It is a relative of the mint family, and it doesn’t creep: it dashes. It is like a lawn vine that silently takes over, eliminating grass and clover and anything else in its way. I’m not sure, but I think it got a cat, once. The thing about this weed is that it doesn’t really respond well to attempts to kill it. A dandelion will crumple up and die when the words “Weed B Gone” are utter...