April Fools Blog Post

There it is. My April Fools' Post. Well, it isn't from April 1st, but from some time in April some year in the pasts. I think it's a pretty good April Fool's Day joke to have snow on the ground two weeks after having a 70 degree day. Mother nature either has a great sense of humor or none at all. I earmark this day each year to start my plants indoors. As I look at the labels, some should have been planted a month ago, and some probably shouldn't be planted for another month, so I figure I've got it about right. My success with plants started indoors has been spotty. Some survive, and thrive. Some get too spindly and collapse under their own weight like a seven foot tall 8th grader playing basketball. We have new grow lights this year, so I hope that will help. One year I had six trays in one of those little greenhouses covered with heavy plastic. I put them outside on a sunny day which, unfortunately, was also a windy day. Many of those survived after I stuck ...