April Fools Blog Post

There it is. My April Fools' Post. 

Well, it isn't from April 1st, but from some time in April some year in the pasts. I think it's a pretty good April Fool's Day joke to have snow on the ground two weeks after having a 70 degree day. Mother nature either has a great sense of humor or none at all.

I earmark this day each year to start my plants indoors. As I look at the labels, some should have been planted a month ago, and some probably shouldn't be planted for another month, so I figure I've got it about right.

My success with plants started indoors has been spotty. Some survive, and thrive. Some get too spindly and collapse under their own weight like a seven foot tall 8th grader playing basketball. We have new grow lights this year, so I hope that will help.

One year I had six trays in one of those little greenhouses covered with heavy plastic. I put them outside on a sunny day which, unfortunately, was also a windy day. Many of those survived after I stuck them back into their grow packs, but my careful tracking of what was where went up in smoke. Or wind.

Yes, spring is officially here, and should be here meteorologically pretty soon. I'm looking forward to it, because looking backward to it wouldn't make any sense.


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