It's A Wrap!

We're ready for the snow.  Well... as much as anybody is ever ready for snow.  Our flower and vegetable gardens are pretty much properly put to bed for winter. It's so easy not to do the post-frost work. The days are colder, the wind seems more bitter, and, well, it's kind of the gardening version of doing the dishes.  The meal is done, but there are all the dishes.

Is there more we could do?  Sure there is.  Maybe I'll do some of it, but if I don't, it's not a big deal. When spring comes along again, there won't be too much to do to get things ready to plant. That's a good feeling.

Thanksgiving happens tomorrow, and some of what we will eat has come from the garden. Almost every night, it seems, we eat something we've grown and frozen/canned/fermented/dried. What we do with our garden is nothing compared to many people, some of whom do podcasts about their work. I am somewhat in awe of them, but I don't have the energy or desire to do the hard work needed to achieve what they do.

I tried to conserve some on costs this year, but even at that it's an open question whether gardening saves or costs. But, I don't care if it's a net cost, because I really enjoy growing the garden and eating what we've grown. Grocery stores do an amazing job of providing good food year-round, but it isn't, and can't be, the same.

Anyway, that's that for the garden. Now, we have five months available to grow in other ways:  in gratitude, in kindness, in honesty, in neighborliness... anything you perceive as needing some growth. I think growing in that way yields a bountiful harvests for years to come.


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