To me, gardening is largely therapeutic. In a world of gray areas, a garden bed either has weeds in it, or it doesn’t. Plants come up, or they don’t. You win your battles against the deer and Japanese beetles, or you don’t. No gray. Black and white. When it comes to the vegetable garden, I’m most interested in getting the beds set up and planted. Keeping them looking nice is also gratifying. I have less enthusiasm for keeping up with the on-going harvesting. This year my garden partner and wife (the same person) really kept up with the picking and preserving side of things. We always do okay at that part of gardening, but this year she made it the best harvest we’ve had. As a result, almost every meal has something from our garden. Pickled green beans, potatoes, frozen broccoli, apple sauce… it is gratifying to know that the work we put into the garden resulted in good things to eat. I mean, that’s the who...
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