Frankly, I’m glad it’s almost over.
There are no more apples, peppers, or tomatoes to deal with.
Bumper crops are wonderful, but contending with them takes a lot of time and
effort. Fortunately, we have some willing recipients of some of our produce
which both makes us feel generous and reduces the canning/freezing/dehydrating
Despite several frosts there are still beet greens growing
on a comically large, unpicked beet. The Swiss chard (a relative of beets) is
also putting out new leaves from the base of the plants. The kale plants stand
defiantly, daring us to cut them. Even the raspberries have a few more treats
for us if we look carefully. Some spinach is growing from seeds that were left
to grow after the plants bolted back in late June. We had a little pea plant
growing near where the peas had been.
It’s time to put the garden to bed, but we are reluctant to
cut down a lot of the dead things because the birds seem to be feasting on
flower seeds and such. It’s also true that daylight is at a premium these days.
No more gardening after dinner!
We still have carrots to pick, but we’re mostly done with
the harvesting for the year. Now it’s time to get serious about eating what we’ve
stored for the winter!
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